Today as I was following my new comers on G+, I noticed this "Ignore" option next to the name of someone, as shown on the pic below.
Great! At long last an ignore option for many user's that where asking for this came true. Many posts on the G+ stream about this option was a big talk about going on. Thanks to Mike Elgan's post on the G+ stream said:
"Everybody's talking this morning about the new Google+ ability to "ignore" other users. This is something I and many others were asking for long ago.
It's basically a "hide user" option, where you can stop seeing posts from specific people, but without blocking them or even informing them.
Great feature. Here's a mystery: The video announcing this feature was posted a week ago on August 19! I don't recall anyone noticing this until today. Do you?"
Well, as far as I saw it, this video was posted around a week a go, that's true! But how long did it take them to do this? Nevertheless it doesn't matter! What matters now is that, is it going to be used?!?
Watch the video below.